
Our Direct Booking Website Portfolio

Explore our curated portfolio of direct booking websites, each designed to empower hosts and property managers with the tools to thrive independently. Discover how our innovative strategies and custom designs are transforming the short-term rental landscape, one success story at a time.

A serene cabin escape near Pigeon Forte, transformed into a branded haven with our direct booking site, PMS integration, and social media strategy consultation.

A unique hexagonal retreat in Massanutten Resort, enhanced with our custom website, PMS setup, and strategies for capturing memorable guest experiences.

A moose-themed cozy retreat, brought to life with a distinctive brand, color scheme, and direct booking website tailored by us.

Elevating a portfolio of Palm Springs & BigBear Lake properties with bespoke branding and a direct booking site that captures the essence of growth and uniqueness.

A comprehensive system for managing 15+ Philadelphia STR properties, unified under a branded website designed for visibility and impact.

Implemented a robust system for a Ludington Lake property portfolio, ensuring seamless management and direct bookings year-round.

Transforming a Northern Irish family estate into a digital brand story, complete with a direct booking website that invites guests into its legacy.

Enhanced a charming getaway with a direct booking site that makes every guest yearn for ‘5 more minutes’, seamlessly extending its brand promise.

A condo in Bozeman, Montana, reimagined as a treehouse escape, with our branding and website design making it a standout, bookable haven.

A portfolio of properties centered on relaxation, named, branded, and given a direct booking website by us, to ensure guests can unwind seamlessly.

About Us

The Go-To For Direct Bookings

Watch the video above to see how our direct booking strategy works.

We help hosts and property managers reduce their reliance on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO by leveraging technology and providing a clear roadmap to succeed with direct bookings.

Why Our Clients Work With Us:

Dependency: Relying solely on Airbnb and VRBO for bookings.

Competition: Being outperformed by other properties in the same market.

Confusion: Overwhelmed by the lack of clear information on direct bookings.

If any sound familiar, check out the free video above explaining our signature 4-phase direct booking strategy, and contact us if you want us to implement it in your property.

Client Success Story

Your Home in Ludington

Your Home In Ludington achieved over 85% direct bookings in 2023 after working with us for 2 years, exemplifying our strategy’s power to revolutionize STR businesses.

I have 8 properties and direct bookings make up 85% of my whole portfolio. Rubicon Hospitality created my website and it's been invaluable for my business.
Marta Greenslait
YHIL's Founder & Property Manager

Contact Us

Interested in a direct booking website for your Airbnb / short term rental?

Fill out the form below for more information.

Before You Go...

Grab your free copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Thriving in Today’s STR Market.” This comprehensive ebook is packed with strategies to boost your bookings and revenue.